Genius Hour Blog Post 3

Hey everyone!! Thanks so much for coming back to my blog to check out how my Genius Hour project on meditation and its impact on my well-being. This week I did my best to keep meditating at the same time each night. I think the consistency helps not only with reminding myself to meditate but in making the meditation more successful. I feel a sense of ease when it is time to meditate almost as if I am anticipating the comfort and tranquillity of meditating. The reminder that I described to you all in my last post - where it would remind me to meditate at the same time each night - has proven to be effective in keeping me on track! I am glad to have found a strategy that facilitates success in my Genius Hour adventure!

I didn't really learn anything new about meditation this week, but I did learn a little bit about myself through the process. I am starting to figure out what types of meditation work best for me and have even bookmarked some sessions that I find particularly effective. I am really liking guided meditation and think that it has done well in helping me achieve the benefits of meditation. As I mentioned above, I do feel good when it is time to meditate and afterwards so I will monitor and see if that feeling lasts longer in the coming days.

I had some trouble finding new and engaging meditation videos for me to follow. The Headspace app has been great, but I find myself sticking to it because I know it works! I would like to push myself to try some new things however, so that will be my goal for next week. I hope to find some more resources that will encourage me to meditate in different ways. From here I will continue to work towards a goal of successfully completing self-guided meditation. That is my next goal and I will slowly transition towards it by allowing my meditations to be more and more independent with just the accompaniment of music and less use of a guide. Eventually, within the next week or two, I hope to reach a fully self-guided meditation session. Below is an example of some of the audio I might listen to during self-guided meditation.

321 Relaxing - Meditation Relax Clips (2014). Relax 1 minute - sunset, ocean, moon - relaxing music. Retrieved from


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